\documentclass[letterpaper,twoside]{report} % \usepackage[width=6in, height=10in, nohead, foot=12pt]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{minutes} \usepackage{lineno} \minutesstyle{ % columns = {1}, header = {list}, %or {table}, vote = {list}, %or {table}, contents = {true}, %or {false} } \usepackage{manglar} % \setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} \usepackage{color} \begin{document} \begin{sffamily} % \linenumbers{} \begin{Minutes}{ Board of Directors Meetings } \selectlanguage{english} \participant{Christopher D' Alleva, Lori Skoda, Sylvia, Timothy Napier Whiting, Sam Recinos, Sebastian, Sydney Metrick, Henry Laxen} \minutesdate{May 28, 2019} \starttime{4:06pm} \endtime{5:33pm} \author{Henry Laxen} \maketitle \listofdecisions{} % Sam Recinos will contact possible owners of Gaviotas 24. % Tim is ill with heart issues. He will not stand for president at % the next GA meeting. % Sydney asked about historical info about LDM. Everything on the % website. % 24 30 not paid. Aldrete not paying, no water. No response. % Water: overbudget on water. CNA increase, well and pump % maintenance up, hurricane fence east of greg's place 21460 not % budgeted. \#46. people cutting through. CFE are higher. pump is % working harder. new LED street lighting. increased wattage means % no saving but better light. over on legal on \#24 by 2500. 12k in % checking and 282k in savings. add 50k from reserve, 35k to water, % 12,500 to maitenence and 2500 to legal. 6k to protocolize % minutes. h moved t second unanimout to do what sylvia said. % Thanks to sydney for help in meeting reading. % have proto min, fence to be done this week. emails exchanged % between tim and rizo. % sydney - difference between condo and frac. cannot restrict like % condos can. no penalties. % chris - no such thing as a lean % sydney - new sign - draw up a plan. Sydney will ask about cost of % graphics designer. Shop next to hole in one. Cobblestones coming % up. Will check after rainy season. % Martinez wants to put up fence at back of lot. Tim pointed to www % site. Father lives in GDL. Son in Tij. on random sundays people % appear on that lot. they use the gate. % Guillermo is frac handyman. Chris/Ed assign tasks. Chris ask for % schedule. Tim will provide. Tim will call trash to pickup heavy % limb trash. nickname cone for rabbit. will provide number. % 26K liters 1 chlorine tab. Guil out of tablets. Guil keeps his % extra hour. discuss again at dec meeting. He has 4 hours per % week. % how many cu meters are we paying for. only have 11K concession % this year under 11K. Concession only goes 2 more years. Oct 2022 % expires. Sydney will ask Octavio for help. % bus from floor - Chris - have leakage by the well. getting % worse. grass grows very fast there. seals on the pipes. Tim % will ask Jose to look at it. Pipes are different sizes. % Sam - there is always water in from of his garage. There was a % leak on fountain in Amy's house. % Adjourned at 5:19 pm % site:nadineloveshenry.com Electricidad % site:nadineloveshenry.com General Assembly \topic{President's Comments} \begin{enumerate} \item Tim is ill with heart issues, and will not stand for president at the next GA meeting. \item Sydney asked about historical info about LDM. Everything on the website, but not categorized. However, Henry pointed out that searching it is very simple: go to your favorite search engine and type, for example: \textbf{site:nadineloveshenry.com General Assembly} for example. \end{enumerate} \topic{Treasurers Report} \begin{enumerate} \item We are overbudget on water. There has been a CNA dues increase, and higher than expected pump and maintenance expenses. \item We also have an additional \$21,460 peso expense for the installation of a hurricane fence at \#46. This was decided last team because we found non-residents using the lot next to \#46 as a thoroughfare. \item CFE costs are higher because the pump is working harder, and the new LED street lighting, which was expected to save some money, actually consumes the same amount of energy, but provides brighter light for the streets. \item We have \$12,000 in checking and \$282,000 in savings. \item Sylvia suggests adding \$50,000 pesos to the budget and allocating \$35,000 to water, \$12,500 to maintenance, and \$2500 to legal. \item Henry moved and Tim seconded that we implement Sylvia's plan to increase the Budget for the items mentioned above. Passed unanimously. \item Sylvia thanked Sydney for her help in reading the water meters. \decision{Increase Budget}{Transfer \$50,00 from Savings to Checking to cover increased expenses} \end{enumerate} \topic{Presidents Report} \begin{enumerate} \item Tim said that the minutes of the previous General Assembly meeting have been protocolized, and the fence will be completed in the following week. He has exchanged emails between himself and Sr. Rizo regarding the status of deadbeat renters in \#30. \item Sydney inquired about the difference between a Frac and a Condo association. Tim explained that a Condo association has a lot more tools at their disposal to enforce compliance, which a Frac has almost none. \item Chris explained that there is basically no such thing as a lien in Mexico, hence it is very difficult to collect from homeowners who choose not to pay. \item Sydney has agreed to draw up plans for a new sign at the entryway and contact the sign places next to the ``hole in one'' restaurant for pricing information. \item Sydney commented that some cobblestones are coming loose on the road. We will revisit this topic after the rainy season. \item The owner of the lot next to Gaviotas \#9 contacted Tim to say he wanted to add another fence to the back of his property. Tim directed him to our web site to learn about the building requirements of the Frac. The father lives in Guadalajara, and the son (owner) lives in Tijuana. They have been seen using the lot as a picnic area on some random Sundays. \item There was extensive discussion about Guillermo and the tasks he performs around the Frac. Tim agreed to provide a list of his occasional duties so that \textit{nothing falls through the cracks.} Tim will call the owner of our trash service, whose nickname is Cone (for rabbit) to do a one time pickup of large garden debris. \item Guillermo is out of chlorine tablets. He add a chloring tablet to the tank once a month to help purify the 26,000 liter tank, likened to spitting into the ocean. He has been allocated to work four hours a week at the frac, for a salary of \$400 pesos per week. \item Tim indicated that we are on track to consume our 11,000 cubic meter water allotment for this year. He also reminded the board that our allotment will expire in October 2022, and need to be renewed. \end{enumerate} \topic{New Business} \begin{enumerate} \item Chris noted that there seems to be water leakage around the well entrance, and it seems to be getting worse. Tim had spoken to Jose about this some years ago, and will do so again. One problem is that the pipes are old and come in various different sizes. \item Sam mentioned that he often finds water pooled in front of his garage, but does not know where it is coming from. He suspects Amy's fountain or pool service. \end{enumerate} \topic{Adjournment} Meeting adjourned at 5:19. \end{Minutes} \end{sffamily} \end{document}