\documentclass[letterpaper,twoside]{report} % \usepackage[width=6in, height=10in, nohead, foot=12pt]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{minutes} \minutesstyle{ % columns = {1}, header = {list}, %or {table}, vote = {list}, %or {table}, contents = {true}, %or {false} } \usepackage{manglar} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{amsmath} \definecolor{light-gray}{gray}{0.95} \newcommand{\hhlcomment}[1]{\textcolor{red}{#1}} \begin{document} \begin{sffamily} \begin{Minutes}{General Assembly Minutes} \selectlanguage{english} \participant{Sandy Kingham, Petteri Starbird, Audrey Zikmund, Claire Knutson, Henry Laxen, Lori Skoda, Ed Skoda, Romeo Danni, Silvia Sebastian, Tim Whiting, Hans Wil Wellmer, Ed Skoda} \minutesdate{Dec 9, 20114} \starttime{5:00pm} \endtime{6:22pm} \author{Henry Laxen} \maketitle \listofdecisions \topic{Quorum} A quorum was not established and after the requisite waiting period of ten minutes the assembled members were declared a quorum and meeting was brought to order at 5:10pm. During this time a proxy was submitted by Sandy Kingham in favor of Clair Knudson. A vote was taken to accept this proxy. All were in favor except Lori Skoda. The size of the quorum was determined to be 9 members, meaning that a 2/3 majority would require at least 6 votes. \topic{Minutes} After a brief discussion, Henry made a motion to accept the previous minutes. Seconded by Romeo, and approved unanimously. \decision{Minutes}{The minutes of the previous GA meeting were accepted} \topic{President's Report} Tim thanked his team for their contributions, singling out Wil Hans Welmer for stepping up and taking over the sorely needed position of treasure after Ruth Kadings sudden departure. Tim noted that our official bylaws are available on our website, and that a courtesy English translation is also available there. \footnotemark[1] \footnotetext[1]{The Lomas del Manglar website is at http://nadineloveshenry.com/chapala/ldm/index.html} The water system renovation has been completed. It was begun three years ago and proceeded step by step. At the beginning it was thought that the main pipe would need to be replaced in various areas, but it turned out the main pipe is in good condition, and the leaks were caused by the connecting galvanized pipes that led from the main to the individual houses. Now all failing connecting pipes have been replaced, new water meters installed, and moroso valves put in place. Tim reported that Casas \#26 and \#27 have joined the frac, and agreed to a fair deal negotiated by our attorney, Carlos del Toro. They may be here over the Christmas holidays, and he encouraged everyone to introduce themselves and welcome our new neighbors. The water tank has been cleaned, and is in good working order We are continuing to pursue our new water concession with Sr. Alcantar and the CNA. Our old concession was for 10,950 cubic meters. Our new concession is for 20,000 cubic meters. Sr. Alcantar expects to update us on the situation around December 22nd, 2014. CNA (ComisiĆ³n Nacional del Agua) increased the cost of water this year by a factor of 750\%, a substantial increase. Because of this, the board recommends that we adjust our water schedule. In the past the first 300 cubic meters of water were included in the homeowners dues. In order to keep pace with the rate increase, the board recommends that included allotment decrease to 250 cubic meters and that the overage schedule be amended as follows: \begin{tabular}{|l|r|} \hline \textbf{Amount of Water} & \textbf{Cost per Cubic Meter}\footnotemark[2]\\ 0 - 250 & included\\ 250 - 500 & \$3.5 pesos\\ 500 - 1000 & \$4 pesos\\ 1000 and up & \$7 pesos\\ \hline \end{tabular} \footnotetext[2]{The cost is calculated on the amount over the initial value in the row, thus if you use 702 cubic meters the price would be: $(500 - 250) * 3.5 + (702 - 500) * 4 = 1683$ pesos} Tim commented that even with this increase our water rates are still substantially below those charged by the city of Chapala, which are between 8.77 and 9.82 pesos per cubic meter. At this point in the meeting, Tim requested that Wil give his treasurer's report. \topic{Treasurer's report} Wil distributed a summary of the actual 2014 expenditures and a proposed 2015 budget. We expect to end the year with approximately \$28,700 pesos in our reserve fund. Will noted that our legal expenses were substantially higher than estimated, but was offset by lower water, maintenance, CFE, and administration expenses. We do not expect a repeat of this year's legal expenses. As a result, next years proposed budget will not require a dues increase, and will remain at \$7,500 pesos per member. \colorbox{light-gray} {% \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline \hline Item &2014 Budget &Proposed 2015 Budget \\ Water &53,000 &43,000 \\ Maintenance &54,000 &45,000 \\ CFE &47,000 &40,000 \\ Administration &32,000 &33,000 \\ Legal &10,500 &30,000 \\ Misc. &0 &0 \\ Bank Charges &5500 &5500 \\ \textbf{Total} &195,000 &196,500\\ \hline \hline \textbf{Bank reserves-required} &20,000 &20,000 \\ Santander Serfin &10,000 &10,000 \\ Actinver &10,000 &10,000 \\ Reserve Carryover &28,312 &28,700 \\ Reserve Severance &4000 &4500 \\ \hline \end{tabular} }\\ \colorbox{light-gray} {% \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\textbf{2014 Projected income} All Houses \footnotemark[1]}\\ \hline \parbox{3in}{Dues: 28 houses @ 7,500 + 1 lot} &211,000 \\ Estimated Water Overage &12,000 \\ Estimated Actinver gain &2000 \\ \textbf{Total} &225,000 \\ \hline \hline \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\textbf{2014 Projected income} Without Morosos \footnotemark[1]}\\ \hline \parbox{3in}{Dues: 27 houses @ 7,500 + 1 lot} &203,500 \\ Estimated Water Overage &12,000 \\ Estimated Actinver gain &2000 \\ \textbf{Total} &217,500 \\ \hline \hline \end{tabular} } \topic{Delegate upcoming tasks} \begin{itemize} \item Lori will take over paying Guillermo. She asked that residents report to her if they feel additional oversight of Guillermo is required. \item Lori will be responsible for reading the Villa Alta water meters. \item Tim will be responsible for reading the lower meters. \item Wil will be responsible for reading the in between meters. \item Meter will be read on the 28th of December. \item Tim and Romeo will be responsible for the CFE payments. \item Wil will investigate having Actinver pay the CFE bills automatically. \item Henry will investigate having Santander pay the CFE bills automatically. \end{itemize} Henry moved, and Romeo seconded that we accept the new budget with the amended water schedule. Approved unanimously. \decision{New Budget}{The budget presented by Wil was accepted.} \topic{New Business} \label{members} Tim listed all current members of the frac and suggested that they be accepted as members of the \acldm{}. The list follows. Henry moved and Romeo seconded that they be accepted. Carried unanimously. Riccardo Aldrete Reyes, Leticia Salcedo Avalos, Julia Boogaard, William Wayne Bratton, Oscar Castaneda Jimenez, Linda Clark, Romeo Joseph Danni, Greg Deutsch, Jeff Deutsch, William Harold Friend, Amy Friend, Sandy Kingham, Claire Knutson, Henry Laxen, Nadine Laxen, John Mather, Sherry Mather, Maria Elena Morales Muro, Maria Elena Morelas Rizo, Ron Napier, Winnifred Napier, Martha Elena Perez Toledo, Alejandro Rizo, Glen Sager, Silvia Sebastian, Ed Skoda, Lori Skoda, Armida Toledo Gonzalez, Hans Wil Wellmer, Alice Wellmer, Hal White, Ray Bechtel, Timothy Napier Whiting, Kate Schomp, Joe Yaranon, Alice Yaranon, Audrey Zikmund, Petterri Starbird, Luci Zuniga-Murray \decision{Acceptance of Members}{The member listed in \ref{members} be accepted into the \acldm{}.} Tim suggested that \acldm{} members make available emergency contact information to the board of directors, on a voluntary basis. Henry will be responsible for collecting and organizing the information for those who wish to participate. \topic{Elections} The current board resigned, paving the way for new elections. The following slate of officers was proposed by Henry, seconded by Ed, and accepted unanimously: \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline \hline President & Timothy Napier Whiting\\ \hline Vice President & Lorraine Selma Skoda\\ \hline Treasurer & Romeo Joseph Danni\\ \hline Secretary & Henry Herman Laxen\\ \hline Member at Large & Hans Wil Wellmer\\ \hline Comisario & William Harold Friend\\ \hline \hline \end{tabular} \decision{New officers}{President Tim, Vice President Lori, Treasurer Romeo, Secretary Henry, Member Wil, Commisario Bill} Any current member of the Fraccionamiento who is interested in serving on the board is \textbf{strongly encouraged} to do so. Please contact one of the existing board members to express your willingness. \topic{Future Meeting} The date of the next meeting was not discussed \topic{Adjournment} Meeting adjourned at 6:22 pm. \textbf{Estos minutos puede ser obteninido en Espanol si estan pedido.} \end{Minutes} \end{sffamily} \end{document}