\documentclass[letterpaper,oneside]{article} \usepackage[letterpaper]{geometry} %top=.8in, bottom=0in, left=0cm, right=0cm, nohead, % showframe, nofoot, %foot=12pt, ]{geometry} \usepackage{xtab} \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} \usepackage[final]{changes} \definechangesauthor[Bill Friend]{WF}{blue} \definechangesauthor[John Kading]{JK}{red} \definechangesauthor[Tim Whiting]{TW}{green} \newcommand{\acldm}{Asociaci\'{o}n Colonos Lomas del Manglar, A.C.} \newcommand{\ldm}{Lomas del Manglar} \begin{document} \begin{sffamily} \pagestyle{plain} % The changes marked in blue were suggested by Bill Friend. The changes % marked in Red were suggested by John Kading. The changes in green % were suggested by Tim Whiting. \begin{center} \Huge{Proposed Notification Policy}\\ \end{center} \vspace{12pt} Currently the bylaws say the following about notification: \begin{quotation} All Members shall provide the Association with a local address where Notices will be received by the Member, or alternately, an email, fax, or post office address where such Notices will be received by the Member. The Notice of Assessment shall be delivered to members within five (5) days following the General Assembly Meeting at which the Annual Budget and Annual Assessment were agreed. For resident Members, the Notice of Assessment shall be delivered by hand. For absentee or absent owners, the Notice of Assessment will be delivered by email, fax or post to the address provided in IV-4 above; and receipt of the Notice shall be deemed to be the date of receipt by the Association of a ``Message Read'' receipt in the case of an email notice sent to the registered email address of the Member, the date of a confirmation of ``Receipt of Fax'' in the case of a notice sent by facsimile to the registered fax address of the Member, or fifteen (15) days following the date of the official Post Mark on a Registered letter sent to the registered address of the Member. \end{quotation} In this electronic age, I suggest we change this to the following: \vspace{12pt} All members of the \acldm{} will be notified in one of the following three methods: \begin{enumerate} \item Via email. The notification will be considered delivered unless the sender of the email receives a non-delivery notice within fifteen (15) days of the date the message was sent. \item Via regular mail if the \acldm{} member provides the secretary with a prepaid self-address envelope. It is the responsibility of the member to make sure that enough envelopes are provided. A digital photograph of the letter being handed to the local post office official will be taken, and the member will be considered notified after fifteen (15) days of the sending. \item Via a letter posted conspicuously on the property of the member. A digital photograph will be taken of the posted notice, and the member will be considered notified after fifteen (15) days of the posting. \end{enumerate} This notification procedure will be used for Notices of Assessment, meeting minutes, meeting agendas, and all official correspondence between the \acldm{} and the member. \end{sffamily} \end{document}