\documentclass[letterpaper,oneside]{article} \usepackage[letterpaper]{geometry} \usepackage{hyperref} % top=.8in, bottom=0in, left=0cm, right=0cm, nohead, showframe, % nofoot, foot=12pt, ]{geometry} \usepackage{xtab} \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} \begin{document} \linespread{.98} \setlength{\parindent}{0in} \begin{sffamily} \pagestyle{plain} \begin{center} \LARGE{Lomas del Manglar Homeowners}\\ \Large{Agenda for the General assembly to be held at Villa Alta \#6\\ (Nadine and Henry Laxen's house)\\ 4 pm Tuesday, Dec 3, 2013} \end{center} % \vspace{12pt} \begin{enumerate} \large \item Secretary to register attending members, and collect proxies \item Call to order \item Determination of quorum (includes 10 minute recess and recall to constitute a quorum if needed) \item Acceptance and or modification of previous board minutes already sent to all members \item Treasurer's Report - Will include transactions through November. \begin{enumerate} \item Status of some questionable owners and liklihood of paying? \item Proposed budget and dues, including all the other standard stuff that has to be recorded into the minutes such as interest/penalty rates, water rates, construction deposit and water hook-up rates \end{enumerate} \item Comisario's report if necessary \item Presidents report: \begin{enumerate} \item Thank yous \item Completion of Refurbishing water lines ,moving meters [when necessary] outside of gates and garages to facilitate water readings, and installing \textit{moroso} valves to remaining properties in the fracc. without them. (casas 1,4,5,6,24,28) \item Removal of dead tree overhanging wires by tennis court and other trees trimmed in March \item Progress on increasing our allotment of water from the Federal government. Progress on curb and light pole painting. \item Progress on tank washing, water testing, repair of electrical line to flotador (prevents overflow of tank), and repair of cable pillar going up to VA. \item Trash pick up \item Water meters .. individual readings have been helpful when compared to past in finding some unsuspected leaks....Well readings still higher than total of inividual readings , but this is consistent with previous information from well professional that meter for well is installed wrong and would be a MAJOR project to change configuration at well head to correct it. HIS suggestion to use individual meters as gold standard. \item Road repairs , blow out from sharp rock \#30 tenant \end{enumerate} \item Old business \begin{enumerate} \item Old Business from the floor \end{enumerate} \item New Business \begin{enumerate} \item Vote on budget dues, interest rates, water rate. \item Vote to record in minutes for later protocolization. \item Report from the ad hoc committee review of building regs in light of possible new construction. Comments please. \item Plan, if money is available, to complete new piping to last 5 houses on Gaviotas, casas 30, 31, 32, 40-41, and 46 next fall. \item Resignation of the current board and new elections. \item Question, should we do 35-37 (Rosas) as well? \item Collect and maintain photos, credianciales, licence plates and contact info. \item New Business from the floor \end{enumerate} \item Awarding of the door prize: Nadine has kindly offered to provide a door prize consisting of a piece of custom made pendant worth approximately 6000 pesos. You can see it at\\ \url{http://www.nadineloveshenry.com/jewels/euterpe.html}\\ \includegraphics[width=2in]{euterpe.eps} \item Adjournment (Upon request all of the above will be made available in Spanish) \end{enumerate} \end{sffamily} \end{document}