In 2008 I stumbled up Haskell, and amidst the utter
confusion I was also imbued with wild enthusiasm. The result is
that I am trying to write up things as I learn them, so that those
who find themselves in a similar situation in the future will be
able to focus more on the enthusiasm, and less on the confusion. A
list of the articles I've written so far is below.
Memoizing in Haskell
Solving Euler
Problem 191
Solving Euler
Problem 201
Converting from MySQL to CouchDB in Haskell
Understanding the Reader Monad
A cheat sheet for Jinjings MPS code
Understanding function composition
A look at Heist, MVars and Anansi
Some examples of using Data.Lens
Nadine and Henry's Calcudoku Solver
A Medium Sized Snaplet Example
Quote of the day:
Somewhere on this globe, every ten
seconds, there is a woman giving birth to a child. She must be
found and stopped.
Sam Levenson
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