Home Page of Nadine Loves Henry
Sitemap of Nadine Loves Henry
Looking for Something?
All about our Family
All about Nadine
All about Henry
Our dear departed Gatita dog
Our dear departed Tippy cat
Our Italian Greyhound, Belle
Our Italian Greyhound, Venus
Our Chihuahua, Aphrodite
Our Chihuahua, Adonis
Our Big Dobie Baby, Athena
My first cats, Sophie and Emma
Cats, the next generation, Miss Parker
Cats, the next generation, Jarod
Our 2011 Visitors
Where we have lived
Collection of Christmas Letters
Our 21st and 22nd Anniversary
Nadine's 40th High School Reunion
A map to our House in Chapala
Nadine's Love Affair with Jewelry
Aegaeon, the god of Sea Storms
Aeolus, the God of the Winds
Alectrona, the Goddess of the Morning and Waking Up
Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Desire
Bia, the spirit of Force, Power and Bodily Strength
Caerus, the spirit of Opportunity
Calliope, the Muse of Epic Poetry
Carmanor, the Cretan Harvest God
Clio, the Muse of History
Coeus, the Titan of Intellect
Eirene, the goddess of Peace
Ekecheiria, the Spirit of Truce and Armistice
Eleos, the Spirit of Mercy, Pity, and Compassion
Elpis, the spirit of Hope and Expectation
Epiphron, the spirit of Prudence, Shrewdness, and Thoughtfulness
Erato, the Muse of Erotic Poetry
Erebos, the God of Darkness and Shadgow
Euterpe, the Muse of lyric Poetry
Gelos, the Spirit of Laughter
Hemera, the Primeval Goddess of Daylight and the Sun
Homonoia, the spirt of Concord, Unanimity, and Oneness of Mind
Hyperion, the Titan of Light
Iapetus, the Titan of Mortality
Lethe, the spirit of Forgetfulness and Oblivion
Melpomene, the Muse of tragedy
Mneme, the Muse of Memory
Nyx, the Goddess of the Night
Pantariste, an Amazon who fought against Heracles
Penthesilea, a queen of the Amazons who fought on the side of Troy
Ophion, an Elder Titan
Peitho, the sperit of Persuasion and Seduction
Persephone, Queen of the Underworld
Polyhymnia, the Muse of Sacred Poetry
Pontus, the God of the Sea, and Father of the Fish
Terpsichore, the Muse of Dance and Choral Poetry
Thelxione, the Muse that Charms Minds
Thetis, the Leader of the Sea Nymphs
Zephyrus, God of the West Wind
Nadine's Art Collection
About Lake Chapala
How do Things Work
Summer 2024 in Medellin Colombia
Play some fun "Party Games"
General Information on Mazatlan
Quote of the day:
The brain is a wonderful
organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and
does not stop until you get to the office.
Robert Frost (1874-1963)
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