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This is the hallway connecting the bedroom area of
the house. You may recall, that as we entered the front of
the house, I mentioned that the bedroom area was to the
left. Our tour proceeded by going to the right. Well, now
we are back. The cabinets on the right are full of linens.
Nadine never met a sheet or towel she didn't like. We have
a small plastic tree with some rope lights on it that act
like a night light. We also added an automatic door
closer, so that when we forget to close the door behind
us, it closes by itself, and the doggies can't follow us
and poop on the rugs.

Next to the tree are a bunch of Klimpt prints that
we picked up at a moving sale, when our friend Bertha
moved from Mazatlan to Reno a few years ago. Henry's
bedroom is just behind the tree, and Nadine's is at the
other end of the hall, but first we'll take a look at
Nadine's office, which she never uses.

Here is part of Nadine's office. It also doubles as
an exercise room, and has a stationary bike and a
treadmill. The sofa is actually a futon and folds out into
a double bed, should we ever need it.

At the other end is a TV, so that we can walk on
the treadmill or pedal the bike while being mildly
entertained. You can also see Nadine's little oak

Next we go into the bathroom that adjoins Nadine's
office. It is a full bath, with beautiful white and gold
tile. The window in the shower consists of glass
Quote of the day:
Did you hear about the dyslexic agnostic
insomniac who stays up all night wondering if there really is a
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