This is March, 2001, and last summer I bought a new gps toy, so since I had to justify the purchase to Nadine, I decided to make some new maps of Mazatlán. Thus far I've completed a map of the Cerritos area to the north, and the Golden zone. Next comes Avenida del Mar, Olas Altas, and eventually El Centro.

To see a large version of the map, click on the map image.

Map of the Golden Zone

This map of the golden zone features all of the beachfront hotels, many restaurants, shops, and other places of interest. The total size of the map is 90.3 kilobytes, so please be patient. To give you an idea of scale, we commonly walk with our Gatita dog along the beach from the El Cid hotel to the Hotel Playa Mazatlán in about 30 minutes. These days we also have Belle along to keep the beach free of birds.
A large map of the Golden Zone in Mazatlán, featuring all of the beachfront hotels, many restaurants, shops, and other places you might be interested in. (32K) The following places are displayed on the map:

AA, Alamo, American Express, Angelos, Arts and Crafts, Azteca Inn, BBV bank, Balboa Club, Balboa Towers, Banamex, Bancomer, Banrrual, Baskin Robbins, Bings, Bital, Blockbuster, Blue Pacific Suites, Budget, Bugambilas, Bungie Jumping, Burger King, Canadian Consulate, Caravelle, Casa Contenta, Casa Country, Casa Loma, Chili Pepper, Chrissy's, Citibank, Costa De Oro, Cowtown, Cyber Cafe, DHL, Dairy Queen, Damy's, Darios, De La Marina Condos, Dominos, Dona Dona, Doney, Dr Chong, El Campanario, El Caracol, El Cid Hotel, El Moro Tower, El Parador, El Paraje, El Patio, El Quijote Inn, Ernie Tomatos, Fandangos, Faro Mazatlán, Fiesta Inn, Frogs store, Gaviotas Movies, Granada, Gringo Lingo, Guadalajara Grill, Gus Gus, Gustavo, Hertz, Holiday Inn, Horns and Tails, Hotel Hollywood, Hotel Playa, Hotel Posada la Mission, Hotel Solamar Inn, IFE, Inn at Mazatlán, Joe's Oyster Bar, Jungle Juice, Kelly's Bike Shop, La Costa Marinera, La Costa Suites, La Forca Disco, La Rioja, La Vina, Larios, Las Canoas, Las Flores, Las Palmas, Laundry, Lobster Trap, Los Arcos, Los Sábalos, Luna Palace, MYO, Mail Boxes Etc., Mangos, Mar Rosa Trailer Park, Mar Sol Bungalows, Marina El Cid, Marza Tours, Massage, Mcdonalds, Minnesota Cafe, Motel Marley, Mr A's, Mr Tony's, Munchkins, Mundo Bananas, National, Oceano Palace, Ole Tours, Optical, Pacific Palace, Pacific Pearl, Panam, Panchos, Pedros, Pelican Beach, Pepe Toro, Pueblo Bonito, Puesta De Sol, Pura Vida, Quality Car, Queen Suites, Riviera, Roxy, Royal Villas, Rubio Jewelers, San Bartolo Trailers, Sea Shell City, Senor Frogs Store, Serfin, Serfin Bank, Sheik/Valentinos, Shrimp Factory, Sombrero Bay, Space Bowling, Spectaculare, Sports Saloon, Sr Frogs Store, Sr. Frogs Store, Suites Lindamar, Teatro El Cid, Tequila's, Tony's Los Venados, Tonys, Torre al Mar, Tropicana, US Consulate, Villa Italia, Vips, Vista Tours, Vittore

If you would like to print out this map, I suggest you download the PDF version and use your PDF viewer to print it out.

Map of the Cerritos Area

This map of the Cerritos area features all of the beachfront hotels, many restaurants, and other places of interest. The total size of the map is 68.5 kilobytes, so please be patient. To give you an idea of scale, we somtimes walk with our Gatita dog along the beach from the Playa Bruja restaurant to Playa Linda, where we used to live, in about 45 minutes. These days we also have Belle along to keep the beach free of birds.
A large map of the Cerritos in Mazatlán, featuring all of the beachfront hotels, many restaurants, and other places you might be interested in. (8K) The following places are displayed on the map:

Back Gate, Bridge, Rest Playa Bruha, Casa Bonita Condos, Rest Playa Cerritos, Cerritos Resort, Ciad, Club Ammaczatlan, Club Palmas, Club Real, Condos el Camahue, DIF, El Rancho, Ginger's Horses, La Marina, Las Canoas Trailers, Mar a Villas trailers, Mar de Cortes Townhomes, Marina El Cid, Marina Mazatlán, Marina del Rey Condos, Marina del Sol, Mazagua, Nuevo Mazatlán, Oceanica, Paraiso del Mar, Pato Blanco, Playa Delfin Condos, Playa Encantada lots, Playa Escondida, Playa Escondida Trailers, Playa Linda, Playa Maria, Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay, Quintas del Mar, Rail Crossing, Real del Mar, Royal Country, Sea Garden, Semarnap, Torres Mazatlán, Trailer Park, Vidafel, Villa Tranquila, Villa los Cerritos, Villas, Villas de Rueda

If you would like to print out this map, I suggest you download the PDF version and use your PDF viewer to print it out.

Map of Avenida del Mar

This map of Avenida del Mar, plus Rafael Buelna and Ej. Mexicana is more or less the heart of Mazatlán, other than El Centro below. You can stroll all along Ave. del Mar on a sidewalk that run parallel to the beach.
A large map of Avenida del Mar. The following places are displayed on the map:

Acir, Aduana One Block Right, Amigo Plaza, Animal Shelter, Avenida del Mar, Bacanora, Ban Crecer, Banamex, Banco De Mexico, Bancomer, Bar La Brisa, Batting Practice, Bellamar, Bullring, Bus Station, Caliente Race Book, Casa Del Marino, Cathedral, Central Camionera, Ciencias Del Mar, Cliff Divers, Copa De Leche, Directtv, Domino's Pizza, Ej. Mexicana, El Galeon, El Marismeno, El Parral, El Pollo Loco, Fabrica De Franzia, Ferrusquilla, Firestone, Fisherman's Monument, Ford Dealership, Frankie Ohs, General Hospital, Gigante, Honda Dealer, Hotel Acuario, Hotel Aguamarina, Hotel California, Hotel De Cima, Hotel Del Sol, Hotel Freeman, Hotel Hacienda, Hotel La Siesta, Hotel Las Jacarandas, Hotel Mazatlán, Hotel Olas Altas, Hotel Perla, Hotel Posada De Don Pelayo, Hotel San Diego, Hotel Santa Mairia, Howard Johnson, Immigration, Instituto Cultural De Occidente, Instituto Windsor, Interceramic, Isste, Jehovas Witness, Karnes En Su Jugo, La Botana, La Cueva, La Fabula, La Fragata, La Paloma, La Parrillada, La Terraza, Lal Posta Trailers, Las Fuentes, Leche Suprema, Lola Beltran, Main Post Office, Marcos Suites, Mexicana Airline, Nexus, Noroeste Office, Old Military Hospital, Panama, Pemex, Pemex Station, Playamar Hotel, Plaza Del Mer - Leys, Plaza Marina Hotel, Purina Feed, Rafael Buelna, Rafael Buelna, and Ej. Mexicana avenues, Rest Playa Norte, Rest. Kawa, Rico Menudo, Salinas Y Rocha, Sams And MRI, Sands Arenas Hotel, Senor Frogs, Senor Frogs Store, Sharp, Sheik, Shrimp Bucket, Soc. Security, Soriana, Splash, Statues, Suite Venezia, Teatro Antonio Haas, Telecomm, The Mercado, Toro Bravo, Univ De Occidente, Univ De Sinaloa, Veramar Suites, Volkswagon Dealership, Walfre

If you would like to print out this map, I suggest you download the PDF version and use your PDF viewer to print it out.

Map of the Downtown (El Centro)

A map of downtown Mazatlán, also known as old Mazatlán. (4.8K) (22.6K)
This map is of the downtown area of Mazatlán, home of the cathedral and the mercado. The total size of the map is 22.6 kilobytes, so half as much patience is required compared to the golden zone map. The city tour takes you downtown, near the mercado, as will any Sábalo Centro bus. Be sure to go inside the cathedral, it is quite beautiful. Also downtown you will find the "Macy's" of Mazatlán, a store called Fabrica de Francia.

Map of the Bus Routes

A map of the bus routes of Mazatlán. Six different routes are featured, and the map covers a large area. (11.8K)
This is a color coded map of the bus routes in Mazatlán. Personally, Nadine and I prefer to ride the busses for several reasons. One, you don't have to haggle with a taxi driver, and most important, you have mass on your side. This map is 107.2 kilobytes, so quite a bit of patience is required. If you plan to ride the busses however, this will prove invaluable.

Quote of the day:
Experience teaches you to recognize a mistake the instant you repeat it.
I heard it somewhere

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