Coloring Book Contest

We would like to announce the Amigos de los Animales Coloring Book contest. We want to create a new coloring book oriented towards teaching children about wildlife and the compassionate treatment of animals, and particularly pets. Your input is greatly desired. If you have an artistic streak, please consider submitting some drawings.

We will award three prizes, the first prize will be $100 USD, the second $50, and the third $25. The drawings can be submitted on paper, or via the internet. Please drop your drawings by the animal shelter at Libramiento Playas #3, in Col. Francisco Villa. If you are sending a file, please save it either in png or jpg format, and email it to All submissions become the property of Amigos de los Animales, whether they are awarded a prize or not, and my be included in educational materials prepared by us. We will announce the winners at the next Amigos de los Animales general meeting. Entries must be submitted by March 1, 2007. Winners will be selected by undergoing an extensive selection process, that may include input from children, but will utimately be completely arbitrary, just in case you have any concerns about the process.

To get an idea of what we are looking for, here is a page from our current coloring book, lovingly drawn by Alison Cunningham.

Quote of the day:
You can observe a lot just by watching.
Yogi Berra

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