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Proof that Henry made it to the top The lens in the lighthouse Back in 1998, while some friends of ours were visiting from California, I decided to take them up to the lighthouse to enjoy the view. Steve was a runner, and routinely ran about 10 miles. I don't run except when I play tennis, but I still considered myself in pretty good shape. I had never been there before, and the picture here is proof that I made it to the top. It was a lot further and a lot steeper than I thought it was going to be, and when my friend Steve and I reached the top, we sat down to rest and thought that we were pretty tough stuff. A few minutes later our egos were considerable deflated as we watched a young Mexican women ascend the last part of the trail and walk past us in her high heels. We just watched in awe, mouths open and shaking our heads. For a few pesos you can go inside the lighthouse and look around. Here is a shot of the giant lens that is used to focus the light and project it in a beam for the ships at sea to see. It seemed worthy of a snapshop.
A view to the north from the lighthouse A view to the south from the lighthouse Here we have a couple of shots from the top. To the left is the view to the north, and to the right the view to the south. Enjoy. A shot of the water treatment plant. How do you get to the lighthouse? The easy way is with a taxi, just tell the driver "Take me to the lighthouse" (faro in spanish). A slightly more challenging way is to take the Playa Sur bus all the way to the end of the line. Then you can let your nose be your guide, as the lighthouse is situated just above Mazatlán's water treatment plant. Keep walking, you can't miss it. Fortunately, once you start to climb up the hill, you no longer get to enjoy that wonderful aroma.

Quote of the day:
Husbands are like fires. They go out if unattended.
Zsa Zsa Gabor

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