Believe it or not, these are only the thumbnail versions of
Dave's photos. To see the full sized versions, just click on the
photo. Be warned, the full sized photos are over 300K each, so if
your on a slow connecion it might take a while.

You don't see many sunsets like this one, anywhere in
the world. Vallarta doesn't have anything over Mazatlan in
this department. By the way, you'll notice the conspicuious
absence of the
green flash.

Be sure to check out the full sized photo of mama
dove here. The detail is incredible. I wonder what Dave was
feeding her that let him get so close.

What lies at the end of a rainbow, besides a pot of
gold, so does Paradise, also known as Mazatlan,

Just so you don't think that first sunset was a
fluke, here is another, just as spectacular.
Quote of the day:
When your wife leaves you
for your best friend, no one knows who is the lucky man.
An old Russian saying
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