On December 9th 2005, the kids (mostly orphans) at the local Salvation Army Childrens Home put on a singing and dancing performance at the monthly Hands Across the Borders Meeting. Here are some shots of the kids, so you can see what you are missing.

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The youngest little guy in this photo is about seven years old, and some of the young ladies in the back are sixteen. They make their own costumes and change at least three or four times during the show. With this outfit, they performed a Mexican Hat Dance. Here is the whole group. Most of the little ones in the front have just finished a rousing rendition of Feliz Navidad, sung in Spanish of course.

Quote of the day:
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
Mark Twain

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