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Here we are in the master bedroom. There is a small glass and acrylic table where I often sit in the morning and do my computing on my powerbook 3400. Those are PERL books on the table, my bibles. The big black box is a 60 inch large screen television. We have a satellite system and usually watch TV for a couple of hours at night. It is almost like being at the movies. Looking in the other direction, we have a king sized bed, the perfect vantage point to keep an eye on the beach of the TV. We bought the bedspread in Bali, and the bed itself is made out of oak. To the left, and out of the picture is a Bang-Olufsen stereo system. Here is a shot of the view from the master bedroom. This is towards the south, where you can see deer and goat island just offshore. We live slightly to the north of the main tourist area, where there is a great concentration of high rise hotels and people. There is a hotel next door, however, called the Vidafel hotel. We often go there for Sunday brunch after getting tired of a week of oatmeal.

Quote of the day:
There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness".
Dave Barry

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