Executive Summary
We are well. We stayed home (mostly). Merry
The long version
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Dear Friends,
A warm Christmas greeting to you, dear reader. The end of 2005
finds the Laxen family still healthy, enjoying the balmy Mazatlan
winter, and wondering why time continues to accelerate through our
lives. That is not how the year began however!

For some unknown reason, we decided to spend Nadine's
51st birthday in our Reno home this year. So, forgetting
that we
don't do winters, we packed up and made our way
north on January 15th. Little did we realize that Reno had just
experienced its worst winter storm since 1920. The snow was still
six feet high in some places, and poor Henry had to shovel a path
to the BBQ so Nadine could cook her delicious steak dinner. During
that endeavor, Nadine neglected to keep her sliding glass door in
her bedroom closed, and in his enthusiasm, and lack of
co-ordination, Henry managed to toss a shovel full of snow into the
middle of her bed.
Happy Birthday Sweetie!
Fortunately, our friends Curt and Mike were kind enough to
shovel the snow off of our walkway and driveway, so we could get
into the house when we arrived around midnight. Muchas Gracias
amigos! We almost would up staying a lot longer than we expected
too, for it turns out our flight was the only one of the day that
departed the Reno airport the morning we left. This year we will
visit Nadine's family in southern California for her (and Cindy's)

Our winter
in Mazatlan was pretty quiet this year. Nadine's mom (Mary)
came down for a visit in April, and we used the occasion to
go to the Sheik, one of our favorite restaurants here in

One event that we attended while Mary was here was a
wonderful concert put on by the local Orphanage. They sang
the complete Carmina Birana, and did one of the most
beautiful versions
What is this OGG stuff?
OGG files are a free alternative to MP3 files. If you do
not already have it you can download a player from
http://www.vorbis.com This recording may sound a little
fuzzy because I downsampled it in order to reduce the file
of thatstory that we have ever heard.

We also discovered that we had some friends that were
movie stars this year! Our friends, Jack and Valerie Moreau,
were asked to star in a promotional video of Mazatlan
produced this year. Here they are, casually strolling down
the sidewalk near the Plazuelo Machado, in downtown
Mazatlan, accompanied by perfect lighting and a movie camera
on tracks.

We left Mazatlan early this year, in mid May, in
order to make it back to the USA for Henry's 30th college
reunion. My God, has it been that long? At the re-union
dinner, Henry found himself surrounded by a bunch of old
people. Who were these guys? Maybe I somehow wound up in the
wrong room. I did recognize Richard Gruner, who looked
pretty much the same, so I guess I was in the right room, I
just didn't know any of these people. Well, after dinner we
went around the room to introduce ourselves, and I
discovered to my shock and horror that I actually knew
almost all of these people. The ones who didn't have grey
hair had no hair, and the divergence of the waistline was
definitely an increasing function of time. Of course, after
checking out my graduation photo, I realized that I hadn't changed
at all.

While we
were in southern California, we were invited to stay with
our friends, Bob and Carol Marver in their lovely home in
San Marino. Also, Nadine's mom put on a family reunion
event, which was held in her back yard.

Once we got back to Reno, it was time to get depressed, I mean
celebrate, Henry's 51st birthday. We decided to escape to Lake
Tahoe, and spent Henry's birthday with his friends, Alex and Anna
Lushtak. We had a nice dinner at the Eagle's nest, on the lake
there, and spent the night in the Cal Neva.

As we get older, we take comfort in the continuity of
things. Remember when staying home on a Friday or Saturday
night was almost unthinkable? Now, staying up past 10pm is
almost unthinkable. It was thus that we welcomed the
reappearance of our duck, who decided to use our tiny front
yard as her nesting site, for the second year in a row. She
would just sit there, for hours at a time, immovable,
pretending she was invisible. There were far fewer ducks and
geese in Caughlin Ranch this year, but we are pretty sure
our duck had a successful season and was the proud mother of
three little ducklings.

There's is always something to do in Reno during the summer. This
year we went to the BBQ Rib cookoff with our friend Karen Gates. We
also became godparents to her new baby, Mylae. It sure looks like
Nadine is enjoying those ribs.

We had a few visitors this summer too. Nadine's sister, Cindy came up
for a visit with her boyfriend Ron, and my junior high school best
friend, Bob, came up for a long weekend of non gambling and

Another special event that took place this summer was Nancy and
Barbara's duck dinner. Our friend Nancy had bought all of the fixins
for a duck dinner, a la Maxim's in Paris. Complete with an escargot
appetizer, which to Nadine's complete surprise, she actually
enjoyed. One of the best things about this summer is that our friend
Nancy was feeling well during most of it, and we enjoyed spending
more time with her and her (dog) son, Orly.

During the summer, Nadine and I hosted several
Potluck Everybody Wins Texas Holdem games at our house. Our
new neighbors, Rich and Bobbi Bennett returned the favor by hosting
a grand feast for the entire neighborhood. Also our other neighbors
and friends, Frankye and Howard Craig, put on their own poker
tournament. The four big winners, Nadine, Debbie, Al, and Nancy are
pictured here, holding their million dollar checks.

Henry treated himself to weekly tennis lessons this summer, and
really enjoyed playing with Dione, his 98 pound tennis
dynamo. It just proves again, that size doesn't matter. He
also got to play with his tennis buddies three times a
week, and was treated to a going away lunch at the
Hacienda, when it was time to return to Mazatlan.

This summer included what seems to be becoming our
annual pilgrimage to Marin, and other destinations
California. While there, we were able to visit with our
friends, Alex and Anna, Bob and Debra, and pictured here,
Steve and Jane Colley, Eric and Marni Welsh, and Jerry and
Tina Yesson. These trips always involve lots of eating, and
little exercise, so I'll tell you about the new diet I came
up with to shed some of those excess kilos below.

It seems like everybody and their brother in writing
diet books these days, so I decided to get in on the act.
The title is:
The eat anything you want and only consume half the
calories diet. Using this diet, I managed to lose about 12
pounds at the end of the summer. The problem with this book is that
the title is longer than the contents, which consists of the
Eat every other day.

Well, summer is winding down, and it is time for Nadine to start
changing things. A word of advice to husbands and boyfriends out there
everywhere. If you wife walks in and asks if you have noticed anything
different, it is already too late. If, at that point, you fail to come
up the thing she is referring to, your troubles have doubled. If, at
that point, you pick something that has changed, but is not what she
is thinking about, the hole you are digging has deepened
considerably. But never, and I mean never, should you say that you
haven't noticed anything different about her, for that is the surest
path to a week of beets and broccoli that you can make for
yourself. Fortunately, being the ever attentive husband that I am, I
noticed right away when Nadine came back with red streaks in her
hair. In fact, I even liked them.

A few years ago, we spent a month in Vermont, in
order to see the fall colors, and give it a try to see if we
would like to be summer residents there. This year, our
friends, Mike and Barbara Heffner, offered to take us on a
fall colors tour of the Lake Tahoe area. We agreed with
enthusiasm. They took us to a place callen Sorensen, where
we stayed in quaint little cabins that used to be part of
Santa's village near Santa Cruz. Along the way, we stopped
to watch the salmon run up the Truckee river to their
spawning grounds further upstream.

When we got back to Mazatlan this winter,
we did what we always do, namely get all of our routine medical
checkups out of the way. Here, if we want to make a doctors
appointment, instead of waiting for six to eight weeks to get in,
we are usually seen later that day, or perhaps the next day. In
fact we usually walk the triangle, from our doctor, who orders the
tests, to our health insurance company, which pre-approves the
tests, to the hospital, which performs the tests. All in all it
takes perhaps an hour or two. This year, Nadine got a nasty
surprise, her triglycerides were double normal. She resolved that
in addition to attending water aerobics each day, she would also
walk to and from her water aerobics class, an additional seven
thousand steps round trip. Henry thought it was a great idea, and
also started walking back and forth to tennis each morning. Also,
Nadine bought an electric wok, and started cooking more stir fry
vegetables and rice. The net result is that we are both feeling
great, sleeping better, and Nadine's triglycerides have returned to
normal. Life is good.
Well, I've let this sit for a few days, to see if I could come
up with a powerful and pithy ending, but I can't. So, in closing,
let me say this
Quote of the day:
Biography lends to death a new
Oscar Wilde
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