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So now that you know what an MRI machine looks like,
and how it works, the next question is what can it do. Well here
are some interesting pictures of the inside of your body, complete
with the report that accompanies them. This is what you can expect
to receive after a visit to Enrique's laboratory.

This patient had a sudden loss of her motor functions
(she wasnt able to move her right arms and legs) 2 months
before the study. She went thru a slow recovery with lot
physical therapy and drugs. She was recovering some of her
movements but suddenly all the improvement stop. We
performed an MRI that showed the changes expected for a
lesion of that time (2 months old) but also showed and
increase in the size of the ventricular system( where the
Cerebrospinal fluid or CSF flows) that was causing
hydrocephalus. Due to this finding, the patient went thru
another surgery and had a shunt valve installed, the last
word we had from one of her relatives is that she is again
on recovery.
official report included this: T 1 coronal SE (spin echo)
sequence that shows an area of infarction in the left parietal
lobe. Also enlargement of the ventricular system is

This patient had syncopes every other day...he is a
50 year old male without any important background...MRA
(Magnetic Resonance Angiography) was performed due to the
fact that he has a
short neck and because of that was a bad candidate to check
the entire carotid and vertebral arteries. So, MRA was chosen. it
turn out to have a normal appearance. A Holter (24 hours monitoring
of the heart rythm) disclosed the unusual arrytmia was
the reason of the sudden loss of blood supply to the brain.
official report included this: GE (gradient echo) refocused
sequence that shows normal blood flow from the carotid and
vertebral arteries. MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiography) DOES NOT
USE CONTRAST INJECTION to obtain this images since the flow of
blood (with its water component) gives enough signal to display the
vessels. Is an extraordinary and non-invasive method to evaluate
medium and big vessels of the body.

A 39 year old male came due to lower back pain after
moving stuff from his home to a depot. MRI shows a bulging
disk, that means that there is no herniation of the diskal
content. This is very important since the managment does not
require surgery. Only an MRI can tell with such accuracy the
status of the disks, vertebral bodies, ligaments and nerve
official report included this: T1 sagital SE (spin echo)
sequence of the spine shows a "bulging" disk at L4-L5 level. The
vertebral bodies, disk spaces and spine area clearlya

A 30 year old male that after a soccer game came with
swelling of the knee. A meniscal tear was suspected. The MRI
confirmed the lesion and also showed important swelling
within the knee. The appearance of any structure is easily
disclosed in MRI. Here you can actually
see the bones, ligaments, soft tissues and the fluid
collections that appears bright and at surrounds the knee.
official report included this: T2 coronal Se (spin echo)
sequence of the knee. The bright (white) rounded images that
surround the knee is fluid related to synovitis or inflamation of
the bursaes of the knee in a patient with a sport-related
Quote of the day:
He grounds the warship he walks on.
John Bracken on Captain Barney Kelly, who ran the USS Enterprise into the mud of San Francisco Bay in May of 1983
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