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Here is a view of the living room. The sofa folds out into a sofabed, and the chair and footstool are made out of white leather. The coffeetable is shaped like a carosel, and actually goes around. Our book collection is mainly physics and math, and we like to use our silver bowls and trays for parties. In the other direction is the TV entertainment center and the fireplace. The fireplace is great on those cold evenings in the winter.
Here is the kitchen, which adjoins the dining room on the previous page. We have all new appliances, including a dishwasher that is so quiet, you can't even tell it is running. The washer and dryer are just to the left of this picture, and are brand new also. The washer is one of those new front loading Maytag units - very quiet and super efficient.
On the other side of the counter is a small sitting area with a comfy couch, and a small table for the fax machine. You'll notice the small doggie door just above the large pillow. This is where we let Gatita, Belle, and Venus out to go poddy. Just behind the doggie door is the back patio. As you can see, we have quite a deer problem.

This is the office area, where Henry does all of his computing while we are here. It used to be a third bedroom, but we converted it into an office. That's a Dell 5000e on the desk, and no it doesn't stay with the house. Instead we have a 1.5GHz Athlon machine, running Linux of course.
The house does come with two phone lines though, so that you can talk and surf at the same time. The surfing line also doubles as a fax line. We also have 100mb ethernet jacks in every room, so Henry can stay connected to Nadine, even if she is all the way across the house.
The room on the right is the guest bedroom. It has a queen bed, and a nice view. All of the furniture was bought in 1997, so it is pretty much brand new. Each bedroom has a small closet, and they share the bathroom that is right across the hall, but not pictured.

Quote of the day:
He can compress the most words into the smallest idea of any man I ever met.
Abraham Lincoln

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